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INo IBiiIIIIII 1 consultations with school l boards prior to Ipiroviiiii budget irelllease„ CIBIE
After two technical briefings with all school boards, the chair for CBE's board of trustees said they still have
"more questions then answers."
CRE Iboard dIl4r,Joy IE: owein IE::::yre salird they would have Illilked consu.ulltatlioiris alrroul IBill 'Iirettullatlions, to have already Ibegun.
By: Illuramlle III IIIIII,Awaurftoini Metro, Published on Wed IMar 15 201�7
The Calgary Board of Education said they were hoping to have had consultations with Alberta Education
about Bill 1 prior to the provincial budget release on Thursday, but said at this point they have no timeline.
Earlier this month, the Alberta government announced Bill 1: An Act to Reduce School Fees. They said
they would be funding Bill 1 through efficiencies identified elsewhere in government.
Should the bill pass, Alberta parents will no longer have to pay school fees for things like instructional
supplies (textbooks, workbooks, photocopying, printing or paper supplies), or for eligible students who take
the bus to their designated schools.
Alberta Education said they'd be holding consultations with school boards to make regulations, as it will
affect if/how much they charge in school fees.
RELATED: IIIbeirta goverunurm eint's IlBliillllIIII 1 aIiiiruitied at urednl.urrvlirig s6ho (rflIII 'fees
RELATED: Sc';hioollll Ii:woairds Iiiun a 'wait aind name' Ipor lii'i:liioin °foie IIhow IIII';lifliillllllll 1 uregt,AIlll;Aiioins Ii iunrupac'i:'i':Iheinn', CIIEIIII';;
Joy Bowen -Eyre, chair for the CBE's board of trustees, said after two technical briefings done by
teleconference calls with all school boards they still have "more questions then answers."
"To be honest it's still the devil in the details as we await the regulations. We have had no official call -out to
boards in relation to consultations periods or meetings," she said. "We're anxiously awaiting that."
http://www. m etronews.ca/newsicalgary/2017/03/15/no-biI1-1-consul tations-school-boards-provi nci al-budget-cbe. pri nt.htm 1 1/2
3/16/2017 No Bill 1 consultations with school boards prior to provincial budget release: CBE
Alberta Education told Metro they'd be consulting with school boards before the regulations are in place,
but not before funding is announced Thursday.
Bowen -Eyre said specifically in terms of transportation, they've done extensive consultations with parents
in regards to service levels.
"We're just wondering where that leaves us, because what we heard from our parents seems to be in
contradiction to what is being presented in Bill 1," she said.
Bowen -Eyre said they're "anxious" to hear the budget Thursday.
http://www. m etronews.ca/newsicalgary/2017/03/15/no-biI1-1-consul tations-school-boards-provi nci al-budget-cbe. pri nt.htm 1 2/2
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