HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpaghetti dinner to raise funds for school playground burned to ground - Ottawa Citizen - 08/08/2017 - Ottawa Citizen - 08/08/20178/14/2017 Spaghetti dinner to raise funds for school playground burned to ground I Ottawa Citizen
Spaghetti dinner to raise funds
for school playground burned
to ground
Faire firom Aflisoin IMalh Ottawa Cii-flz in
IPullallii hed in,. August 8., 2017 11 Last Updated: August 8, 2017 :54 IPIMi BUT
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8/14/2017 Spaghetti dinner to raise funds for school playground burned to ground I Ottawa Citizen
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Community members and a city councillor
are throwing a spaghetti dinner Wednesday
to raise money for the playground of a Beacon
Hill elementary school that burned to the
ground in a suspected arson last month.
School staff, parents and children were shocked to find their
beloved kindergarten play structure at Le Phare Elementary
School reduced to rubble in July.
Ottawa police and Ottawa fire were investigating the blaze at 1965
Naskapi Dr., although the police arson unit said Tuesday the case
has stalled because of a lack of leads.
The playground fundraiser, which will serve pasta donated by East
Side Mario's, will take place at 5 p.m. at Colonel By High School on
2381 Ogilvie Rd.
Mayor Jim Watson, Beacon Hill-Cyrville Coun. Tim Tierney, school
officials and community members will be in attendance. Tickets
are $10 for adults and $5 for children.
A new play structure costs about $60,000. The school, which had
intended to replace the aging playground even before the fire,
already had about $18,000 set aside for the rebuild.
An online crowd -funding campaign (https://www.gofundme.com/le-
phare-school-play-structure) had raised $6,275 as of Tuesday.
The Ottawa -Carleton District School Board said it would also pitch
in to speed up the replacement of the playground.
The new structure won't be ready by September when kids return
to school. But parent council organizers are optimistic something
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8/14/2017 Spaghetti dinner to raise funds for school playground burned to ground I Ottawa Citizen
will be in place by the spring of 2018.
With files from Jacquie Miller
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