HomeMy WebLinkAboutAlberta offering Arabic bilingual program across province by next fall - Metro Edmonton - 10/10/2017 - Metro Edmonton - 10/10/201710/11/2017 Alberta offering Arabic bilingual program across province by next fall
Illlbeirta offeiring Airalblic Ibiiillliiingualll Ipirogirairn aciross Ipiroviince by next fall
The Edmonton public board says Arabic — its fastest growing language program— will be
available for students in kindergarten through to Grade 12.
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By: Staff The Canadian Press, Published on IFue Oct 10 2017
EDMONTON — The Alberta government will be offering �rm Arabic �r�uage cuiririiiuuulluirracross
the province next year.
Alberta Education is working to develop the bilingual program with Edmonton Public Schools,
one of a few districts in the province that provides the option.
The Edmonton public board says Arabic is its fastest growing language program.
The province contracted the board last year to help develop a modified version.
The program, for students in kindergarten through Grade 12, will be available starting
in September.
Education Minister David Eggen says the government recognizes the economic and academic
benefits of proficiency in more than one language.
http://www. metronews.ca/news/edmonto n/2017/10/10/al berta-to-offer-arabic-bilingual-prog ram -across -province -next -fall. pri nt. html 1/2
10/11/2017 Alberta offering Arabic bilingual program across province by next fall
"We are thrilled to be moving forward in our commitment to develop the provincial Arabic
language arts K-12 curriculum by September 2018. We know this new curriculum will make life
better for so many students in Alberta," he said in a release.
The president of the Canadian Arab Friendship Association, Yazan Haymour, says his
organization appreciates Alberta's effort to promote Arabic education.
"This move forward will help to enrich the linguistic and cultural diversity of students and allow for
better achievement on the social, academic and cultural level."
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