HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan for sex ed in Quebec schools gets thumbs up, with some reservations - Ottawa Citizen - 12/14/2017 - Ottawa Citizen - 12/14/201712/15/2017 Plan for sex ed in Quebec schools gets thumbs up, with some reservations I Ottawa Citizen
Plan for sex ed in Quebec schools
gets thumbs up, with some
Laurie Betito: "You don't have to have sex to be cool, but you have to be able to take
responsibility for your actions — and there are consequences for being sexually active. By
talking about values and talking about acceptance and a wide range of issues, including
consent and avoiding sexual harassment, really, we are talking about healthy relationships.
How could any parent be against that?"
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12/15/2017 Plan for sex ed in Quebec schools gets thumbs up, with some reservations I Ottawa Citizen
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A plan to make sexual education mandatory in
Quebec's primary and secondary schools as of next
September is a good one, says the president of the
Sexual Health Network of Quebec. htt shn .ca
"I am thrilled about the compulsory component and also that it is a
comprehensive program," Laurie Betito (http://www.drlaurie.com/)
said. "Kudos to them for doing that."
But she says the subject needs to be taught as a separate class and not
incorporated into their current classes, which Education Minister
Sebastien Proulx said Thursday it would be. Students will be given age-
appropriate information on sexuality — with anatomy, body image, sexual
assault, sexual relations and sexually transmitted diseases among topics
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12/15/2017 Plan for sex ed in Quebec schools gets thumbs up, with some reservations I Ottawa Citizen
to be raised. On Wednesday (http://montrealgazette.com/news/local-
news/sex-ed-will-be-compulsoryv in-quebec-schools-as-of-september-couiIIard)
, Premier Philippe Couillard told the Canadian Press that the information
would be integrated into regular subjects – such as French and math.
A pilot project in sex ed has been been in place in a handful of Quebec
schools since 2015. An Education ministry website
learning/pilot-schools/) cites research showing that integrating sex
education into a school's overall planning is more effective than confining
it to a single subject and that countries using such an approach are
among those with the lowest rates of sexually transmitted infections and
unwanted pregnancies.
Betito, a clinical psychologist with a specialty in sexual health, thinks the
subject should be taught in a separate, dedicated class.
"I don't think it's fair to add more to the teacher's curriculum," she said. "I
think they should make space for it, the way they do for physical
education — or maybe incorporate it into gym:'
Some teachers and unions have criticized the plan, saying it puts pressure
on educators who aren't properly trained. Betito said whoever teaches the
course should be willing to do it, should have special training and should
be able to engage students in discussion as part of the class.
Betito has long been involved in doing training for sex educators and says
it involves many steps, including examining one's own attitudes and
biases in addition to learning the material. Someone who is highly
conservative in her private life, for instance, is likely to have a hard time
not letting her beliefs influence her responses to a student who asks
about abortion, for instance.
Ideally, she said, people teaching sex ed should be from outside the
school because students might be unwilling or embarrassed to ask
questions about sex or sexual health of a teacher they know.
"A school should be assigned a sex educator, the way they assign school
psychologists;" Betito said. A school guidance counsellor is another
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12/15/2017 Plan for sex ed in Quebec schools gets thumbs up, with some reservations I Ottawa Citizen
option, she said. "It has to be a dedicated person"
The Federation des comites de parents du Quebec (http://www.fcp!q.qc.ca),
representing parents' committees in public schools, said Thursday that it
is in favour of mandatory sexual education. Some parents, however, have
expressed reservations. Strong emotional reactions are sometimes based
on misperceptions, Betito said. There are people who think, incorrectly,
that by teaching sexual health and education, "that we are teaching them
how to have sex. It's so notwhat is happening."
"Studies show that when you teach kids about sex that they are more
likely to use protection and to delay sex;" Betito said.
And young people who do not have sexual education are more likely to
seek experience by experimenting, she said.
The program should also include a component about abstinence, Betito
"You don't have to have sex to be cool, but you have to be able to take
responsibility for your actions — and there are consequences for being
sexually active. By talking about values and talking about acceptance and
a wide range of issues, including consent and avoiding sexual harassment,
really, we are talking about healthy relationships. How could any parent be
against that?"
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Twitter.Com/susanschwartz (https://twitter.com/susanschwartz)
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Plan for sex ed in Quebec schools gets thumbs up, with some reservations I Ottawa Citizen
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12/15/2017 Plan for sex ed in Quebec schools gets thumbs up, with some reservations I Ottawa Citizen
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