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Hens set to flock to school in Casselman I Ottawa Citizen
Hens set to flock to school in
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uIr"id I o ��ffl flock"', r,f ch[k',akei o,,' to a ""","J, lJ-'[e ',c rod ig, AARON
The next classroom built at a public school in
Casselman will be three metres square, unheated,
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12/15/2017 Hens set to flock to school in Cassel man I Ottawa Citizen
and full of hens.
The hen coop will be built in the spring at I'Academie de la Seigneurie,
which goes from kindergarten to Grade 12.
"Here's why. At school, we don't want to have the children learn only from
computers;" said Casselman's mayor, Conrad Lamadeleine. "We would
like them to have some knowledge of farming.
"So having hens' nests at school will teach them: What is agriculture?
What are hens? Why eggs? How do you raise them and what do you do
with them?
"This experience is becoming more and more popular in Quebec and it's
just starting out in Ontario. It's life experience we can give the children"
Casselman, about 60 kilometres east of Ottawa, is surrounded by farm
country, and Lamadeleine suspects that at least half the students live
outside the town. This is an area where even in the villages it is
increasingly common for families to keep a couple of hens, he said.
The mayor is involved with the school project because the people behind
the hen idea thought they would have to get zoning permission. It turns
out they don't.
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Hens set to flock to school in Cassel man I Ottawa Citizen
"I met the minister of agriculture, Jeff (Leal), and he said the municipality
has the power to run a pilot project without going through a rezoning
process," the mayor said.
"The school can stop it at any time, and if the municipality doesn't think it
is working well or finds that it causes problems, we can stop it too"
The little coop will have nests inside and an enclosure outside where the
hens can walk around.
It will be unheated. In the winter, and during summer holidays, the 10 hens
will go on vacation at a local farm.
Officials at the school weren't available Thursday.
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Hens set to flock to school in Cassel man i Ottawa Citizen
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9 Comments Sort by Top
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Christopher Stone • Contract Specialist at Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
live in Cantley Qc, its out of town, so we don't have a limit. So we have 4, and its alot of fun to
have fresh eggs in the morning. If I can recommend something, you should buy the brown ones
and not the white ones. The brown ones are very social, we pick them up and pet them, they like it
so much, they ask for more and kids love it
Like • Reply • 2 • 16 hrs • Edited
Susan Phypers
Retirement homes/communities should try this too along with vegetable gardens.
Like • Reply • 1 • 16 hrs
(y it Amanda Young • Ottawa, Ontario
Who will do the culling when they get sick?
Like • Reply • 11 hrs
Claire Laforest • Enseignante at CECCE
Joel... to parlais de ceci cette semaine.
Like • Reply • 10 hrs
Mi Sha • Elementary Teacher at Upper Canada District School Board (UC S )
Julie Mercier!!!!!!
Like • Reply • 10 hrs
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Hens set to flock to school in Cassel man I Ottawa Citizen
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