HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCDSB 020 Appropriate Use of Technology Agreement - CommunityAPPROPRIATE USE OF TECHNOLOGY AGREEMENT
(References: OCDSB Policy P.100.IT Appropriate Use of Technology
and Procedure PR.622.IT Appropriate Use of Technology)
Managing the Use of Technologies at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
At the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) we believe in digital citizenship and the use
of technology to enhance learning and to support the work environment.
Technology means computers, cell phones, the internet or other electronic devices. In some
classrooms and schools, we refer to technology by their brand names (iPads, iPods, Smartboards),
while at other times we may refer to the technology by type (Notebook Computer, Laptop Computer,
Yes I have read and understand how the OCDSB manages the use of technologies in the
I Agree That:
The sharing of personal information without consent is wrong and can have
consequences both in school and outside of school. Personal information
includes: name, telephone number, address, passwords, images or videos.
I will not use the OCDSB’s system to share personal information without
I will access only my personal files and acknowledge that accessing the files
of others on the OCDSB network is not appropriate.
I will not harass, insult, or attack others. Appropriate language must be used over
the network at all times.
I will not use technology for transmitting or viewing any material in violation of
legislation, regulations, OCDSB policy or procedure including copyrighted,
threatening, or obscene material. Sending or receiving offensive messages or
pictures from any source will result in immediate suspension of privileges.
I will not download or use programs that are not approved for instructional use
such as videos, games or music.
I will not interfere or vandalize the equipment, which is defined as any attempt to
harm or destroy equipment, data, and / or the operating system or applications.
My use of technology can be monitored and logged by the OCDSB.
OCDSB 020 August 2022
I Agree That:
The security, care and maintenance of my personal device is my
responsibility. I will securely store my device when not in use.
I will follow the principles of Digital Citizenship, Community of Character,
School Board Code of Conduct, OCDSB Policy P.100.IT and Procedure
If I choose not to follow these rules, sanctions will be applied.
I acknowledge and agree to follow these rules.
Community Member Permission
I agree to use the technology resources of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board and/or to use
my personally owned devices in accordance with legislation, OCDSB policies and procedures.
Community Member’s Name ___________________________
Signature Date
OCDSB 020 August 2022
The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Education Act (RSO.1990
c.E.2) ss. 58.5, 265 and 266 as amended, and in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act (RSO.1990 c.M56), as amended. It will be used for student and education
related purposes, such as administration, communication, and data reporting. In addition, the information
may be used or disclosed to comply with legislation, for compelling circumstances affecting the health
and safety or discipline, as required in circumstances related to law enforcement matters, and with third
parties in accordance with established service agreements or in accordance with any other Act.
Questions or concerns should be directed to the school principal or the District's Freedom of Information
Coordinator, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 133 Greenbank Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 6L3,
Telephone 613-596-8211, ext. 8607.
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