HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter to Jan Harder regarding community development planning \,..........„, f y 1c� OTTAWA-CARLETON DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD Office of the Chair of the Board 15 February 2019 Councillor Jan Harder Chair, Planning Committee City of Ottawa 110 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, ON K1P 1 J 1 Dear Councillor Harder: Thank you for your letter of 21 December 2018. My apologies for the delay in responding, but I wanted to review the work and interactions that have happened to date. It is important that all perspectives be heard on this matter, and we offer the following for clarification. On 21 December 2017 the four Ottawa publicly-funded school boards wrote to John Smit, Director, Economic Development and Long Range Planning at the City of Ottawa (letter attached) to confirm that the boards were generally supportive of the principles of the Building.Better, Smarter Suburbs initiative. In this letter, we gave our commitment to work with the City in a positive fashion to continue this dialogue and, wherever possible and mutually beneficial, to put those principles into practice when building new communities. You indicated in your letter that the schools working group is not active. Indeed, we have not met and our last correspondence on this matter was the letter to Mr. Smit in December 2017. I would disagree, however, that there have been no opportunities to continue this discussion. In fact, on May 24, 2018 the four school boards held their annual Community Planning and Partnership meeting to discuss the collaborative use of surplus school space and joint planning initiatives for future sites. The meeting was widely advertised on each of the Board's websites as well as through the Ottawa Citizen and Le Droit. To our disappointment, although the City of Ottawa was sent personalized advance notice of this meeting, no City officials attended or sent regrets indicating their interest in participating in such dialogue at another time. We would appreciate clarification of your reference to inconsistent approaches in advancing collaborative planning. We have attempted to be up front about our needs whenever we work with City staff on Community Development Planning (CDP), and in this process, the needs of the school boards have, to my understanding, been acknowledged. Nevertheless, of late we have had unfortunate examples where those approved community development plans have not translated to acknowledgement of our needs at the plan of subdivision stage; ironing out these disconnects has required 133 GREENBANK ROAD,OTTAWA, ONTARIO K2H 6L3 Tel: 613-721-1820 4 Fax: 613-820-6968 0 24-hour Automated Information Line: 613-596-8222 a Website: www.ocdsb.ca additional after-the-fact conversation and consultation with City staff and has entailed some compromise on our part. Indeed, the CDP process speaks much louder than would any Memorandum of Understanding, and you have our ongoing assurance that, site-by-site, we will continue to work with the City to develop efficient and sustainable sites that meet community needs. As you are aware, the Ministry of Education prescribes the size of school sites, based on the number of pupil places provided at a school. The pupil places are reflective of the long-term settling-out of school populations, even though a new school may operate far in excess of its capacity for a number of years after its initial construction. I hope this letter has clarified our position to you, and to City staff. We are very open to sitting down with you to discuss this matter further. Our partnership with the City is pivotal in creating a sustainable, workable community. Sincerely, A i Lynn Scott Chair Ottawa Carleton District School Board c.c. Mike Carson, Chief Financial Officer Karyn Carty Ostafichuk, Manager of Planning Corporate Records /!-- This code was added to remove the metadata from document view in Weblink -->