HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCDSB 989 Request Changes to Student Legal Name, Preferred Name, and/or Gender Identity in Systems and RecordsOCDSB 989 Request Changes to Student Legal Name, Preferred Name, and/or Gender Identity in Systems and Records (References: PROCEDURES PR.696.SCO and PR.554.SC) Note: Parental/legal guardian consent is not required to request changes. However, parents and legal guardians have the right to access a student’s Ontario Student Record if the student is under 18. Changes to many documents are reflected in the student’s Ontario Student Record so parents would be able to access them. Complete this form and provide it to the principal or their designate. A. Applicant’s Legal Name: _________________________________ B. Requesting an update to (check all that apply): Legal name. Please indicate updated legal name (first name, last name) and attach required legal documentation. _____________________________________________________ Preferred name. Please indicate updated preferred name (first name, last name) _____________________________________________________ Gender. Please indicate updated gender (Male, Female, Not Disclosed, Self- Identified and/or indicate another Gender Identity) _____________________________________________________ Pronouns. Please indicate your updated pronouns _____________________________________________________ C. Requesting an update to the following systems and folders (check all that apply): OCDSB’s Internal Student Information System Change legal nameChange preferred name Change gender Change email address to reflect preferred name Change pronoun for report cards Parents/guardians have access on request. OCDSB’s Individual Education Plan Online Platform Change legal name Change preferred name Change gender Change system to default to preferred name Parents/guardians will automatically receive IEPs, IPRCs, transportation forms and consent forms in the preferred name going forward. Ontario Student Record Parents/guardians have access on request. Change legal name Change preferred name Change gender D. Requesting printed or electronic copies of the following documents (Select all that apply) Note:Copies of these documents are added to the student’s Ontario Student Record. A custodial parent or legal guardian of a student under 18 or who has not withdrawn from parental control, can access the OSR on request. Parent/legal guardian consent is not required to update these documents. Report card.Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR. Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Parents/guardians have access to this document in the OSR Use selected pronouns Parents/guardians have access to this document in the OSR Transcript Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR. Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Use updated gender Diploma Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR. Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Use preferred name Use updated gender Use updated pronoun Individual Education Plan (IEP)Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR.Check all that apply Use legal name Identification, Placement and Review Committee Statement of Decision (IPRC)Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR.Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Use updated gender Use updated pronoun Identification, Placement and Review Committee Statement of Decision (IPRC)Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR.Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Use updated gender Use updated pronoun Psychological Education Assessment Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR.Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Use updated gender Use updated pronoun Consent Forms for Learning Support Services Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR.Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Transportation Forms for Learning Support Services Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR.Check all that apply Use legal name Use preferred name Other Form (please specify)Parents/guardians will have access to this document in the OSR. _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _________________________________ Use legal name Use preferred name Use updated gender Use updated pronoun The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Education Act (R.S.O. 1990c.E2), and in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSO. 1990 c.M56), as amended. It will be used to establish the Ontario Student Record (OSR) and for student and education related purposes such as registration, administration, communication, collection of fees, data reporting, and student transportation services. In addition, the information may be used or disclosed to comply with legislation, for compelling circumstances affecting health and safety or discipline, as required in circumstances related to law enforcement matters, and with third parties in accordance with established service agreements or in accordance with any other Act. Questions or concerns should be directed to the school principal or the District’s Freedom of Information Coordinator, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 133 Greenbank Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 6L3, Telephone 613-596-8211. CONFIDENTIAL WHEN COMPLETED. /!-- This code was added to remove the metadata from document view in Weblink -->